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  • New FormFox Form
  • A big part of the FormFox 'paradigm shift' is embodied in a new and innovative custody and control form. For years the standard has been a carpal–tunnel–causing five–page form — tedius to stock and frustrating to file.

    FormFox is proud to introduce a new, single–page form that does the job even better.
You may also view the new FormFox form information in a Flash presentation or download a PDF.
  • The CCF Section contains all donor demographic information and chain of custody affidavits along with corresponding signature blocks.
  • A Unique Form ID Number links the CCF, the donor receipt and security seals to a specific, individual form.
  • The Client Requisition Number identifies the account number for the client requesting the test and the sample ID number used for tracking and results reporting.
  • The Donor Receipt has a pre–printed barcode that is forensically linkable to its CCF counterpart. It also contains information pertinent to the donor.
  • Security Seals are compatible with urine, oral fluid, hair and blood collections.